Conditional Sentences |
Diese Sätze bestehen aus zwei Teilen, dem Nebensatz (if-Satz) und dem Hauptsatz. Der Nebensatz
drückt eine Bedingung aus (Wenn...); der Hauptsatz sagt, was folgt, wenn diese Bedingung erfüllt ist. Dabei unterscheidet
man drei unterschiedliche Bedingungen und damit auch drei unterschiedliche Bedingungssatztypen:
Nebensatz (if-clause)
Hauptsatz (main clause)
Typ 1
erfüllbare Bedingung
Folge ist sehr wahrscheinlich
If it rains,
I will stay at home.
simple present
Typ 2
wahrscheinlich nicht erfüllbare Bedingung
Folge ist eher unwahrscheinlich
If it rained,
I would stay at home.
simple past
Typ 3
nicht mehr erfüllbare Bedingung
Folge ist nicht mehr möglich
If it had rained,
I would have stayed at home.
past perfect
conditional perfect
Man braucht also nicht mehr als sechs Zeitformen zu können, um alle Bedingungssätze zu bilden.
Auf eine Sache musst du aber besonders achten: Nebensatz und Hauptsatz können ihre Plätze tauschen.
Dabei nehmen sie ihre Zeitformen mit und man setzt kein Komma.
Hauptsatz (main clause)
Nebensatz (if-clause)
I will stay at home
if it rains.
simple present
simple present |
Das simple present sieht aus wie der Infinitiv, die Grundform des Verbs. Eine Besonderheit ist, dass man bei den Personen he, she, it ein s an das Verb anhängt. Die Verneinung
bildet man mit don't und doesn't, und die Fragestellung mit Do und Does. Sieh dir die Beispiele an.
I take you take he takes she takes it takes we take they take
I don't take you don't take he doesn't take she doesn't take it doesn't take we don't take they don't take
Do I take? Do you take? Does he take? Does she take? Does it take? Do we take? Do they take?
Das Verb be ist im simple present etwas Besonderes, weil man in der Verneinung kein don't oder doesn't braucht. Deshalb hier noch die Beispiele.
I am you are he is she is it is we are they are
I am not you are not he is not she is not it is not we are not they are not
Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are they?
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will-future |
Das will-future ist die einfache Zukunftszeitform und wird mit will und dem Infinitiv (der Grundform) des Verbs gebildet.
Das gilt für alle Personen. Eine kleine Besonderheit gibt es in der Verneinung: Hier wird statt will not häufig die Kurzform won't gebraucht.
Beide Formen sind aber immer zulässig. Aufpassen bei der Übersetzung:
I will go heißt NICHT Ich will gehen, sondern Ich werde gehen!
I will take you will take he will take she will take it will take we will take they will take
I won't take you won't take he won't take she won't take it won't take we won't take they won't take
Will I take? Will you take? Will he take? Will she take? Will it take? Will we take? Will they take?
Das Verb be funktioniert im will-future wie alle anderen Verben auch. Trotzdem hier noch die Beispiele.
I will be you will be he will be she will be it will be we will be they will be
I won't be you won't be he won't be she won't be it won't be we won't be they won't be
Will I be? Will you be? Will he be? Will she be? Will it be? Will we be? Will they be?
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simple past |
Das simple past ist die einfache Vergangenheitszeitform. Man bildet es bei regelmäßigen Verben, indem man an den Infinitiv, die Grundform des Verbs, die Endung ed anhängt.
Unregelmäßige Verben haben eine eigene Vergangenheitsform, die nur selten etwas mit der Grundform zu tun hat.
Die Verneinung bildet man mit didn't + Infinitiv, und die Fragestellung mit Did + Infinitiv.
Sieh dir die Beispiele an.
I took you took he took she took it took we took they took
I didn't take you didn't take he didn't take she didn't take it didn't take we didn't take they didn't take
Did I take? Did you take? Did he take? Did she take? Did it take? Did we take? Did they take?
Das Verb be ist auch im simple past etwas Besonderes, weil man in der Verneinung kein didn't braucht. Deshalb auch hier noch die Beispiele.
I was you were he was she was it was we were they were
I was not you were not he was not she was not it was not we were not they were not
Was I? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were they?
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conditional |
Das conditional ist einfache Möglichkeitszeitform und wird mit would und dem Infinitiv (der Grundform) des Verbs gebildet.
Das gilt für alle Personen. Bei der Übersetzung ins Deutsche gebraucht man fast immer die Form würde: I would go = Ich würde gehen.
I would take you would take he would take she would take it would take we would take they would take
I wouldn't take you wouldn't take he wouldn't take she wouldn't take it wouldn't take we wouldn't take they wouldn't take
Would I take? Would you take? Would he take? Would she take? Would it take? Would we take? Would they take?
Das Verb be funktioniert im conditional wie alle anderen Verben auch. Trotzdem hier noch die Beispiele.
I would be you would be he would be she would be it would be we would be they would be
I wouldn't be you wouldn't be he wouldn't be she wouldn't be it wouldn't be we wouldn't be they wouldn't be
Would I be? Would you be? Would he be? Would she be? Would it be? Would we be? Would they be?
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past perfect |
Das past perfect ist die Vorvergangenheitszeitform. Man bildet es mit had und dem past participle des Verbs.
Das gilt durchgehend für alle Personen. Sieh dir die Beispiele an.
I had taken you had taken he had taken she had taken it had taken we had taken they had taken
I hadn't taken you hadn't taken he hadn't taken she hadn't taken it hadn't taken we hadn't taken they hadn't taken
Had I taken? Had you taken? Had he taken? Had she taken? Had it taken? Had we taken? Had they taken?
Das Verb be funktioniert im conditional wie alle anderen Verben auch. Trotzdem hier noch die Beispiele.
I had been you had been he had been she had been it had been we had been they had been
I hadn't been you hadn't been he hadn't been she hadn't been it hadn't been we hadn't been they hadn't been
Had I been? Had you been? Had he been? Had she been? Had it been? Had we been? Had they been?
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conditional perfect |
Das conditional perfect ist eine weitere Möglichkeitszeitform und wird mit would have und dem past participle des Verbs gebildet.
Das gilt für alle Personen. Bei der Übersetzung ins Deutsche gebraucht man fast immer die Form hätte oder wäre: I would have gone = Ich wäre gegangen
oder I would have taken = Ich hätte genommen.
I would have taken you would have taken he would have taken she would have taken it would have taken we would have taken they would have taken
I wouldn't have taken you wouldn't have taken he wouldn't have taken she wouldn't have taken it wouldn't have taken we wouldn't have taken they wouldn't have taken
Would I have taken? Would you have taken? Would he have taken? Would she have taken? Would it have taken? Would we have taken? Would they have taken?
Das Verb be funktioniert im conditional wie alle anderen Verben auch. Trotzdem hier noch die Beispiele.
I would have been you would have been he would have been she would have been it would have been we would have been they would have been
I wouldn't have been you wouldn't have been he wouldn't have been she wouldn't have been it wouldn't have been we wouldn't have been they wouldn't have been
Would I have been? Would you have been? Would he have been? Would she have been? Would it have been? Would we have been? Would they have been?
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